Assalam Alaikum Community Members,

Pursuant to Part II, Section 1, of the Manitoba Islamic Association (MIA) By-Laws, the Annual MIA General Body Meeting (AGM) is called for Saturday, November 4 after Zuhr prayer (2:30pm) at Waverley Grand Mosque gym. If the quorum is not achieved, the meeting will be rescheduled for SaturdayNovember 18 right after Zuhr prayer (1:30pm) at the same location as well.

Zoom Link:

ID: 863 9149 5899
Passcode: 487044

Members must have their full name listed on their zoom profile name and camera needs to be on for voting and identification purposes.

The draft agenda of the meeting is as follows:

  • Recitation of Quran
  • Confirmation of Quorum
  • Approval of the meeting agenda
  • Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
  • Appointment of the steering committee for the Election of the Election and Compliance Commission
  • Report of the Board of Directors
  • Financial Report
  • Consideration of the Auditor’s Report
  • Proposed Annual Budget
  • Capital Projects
  • Resolutions
  • Business arising out of the minutes
  • Report of the Election and Compliance Commission
  • Election of the Election and Compliance Commission (one position, 3-year term).

Some rules of AGM (as per MIA By-Laws)

Who can vote in the AGM meeting?

Part II, Section 1, item 12:

“To vote in any of the General Assembly Meetings, a person has to be a Full Member of the MIA as of August 1 of the calendar year.”

What issues to discuss?

Part II, Section 1, item 7 & 8:

  • “The final agenda for all General Assembly Meetings shall be delivered, mailed, emailed or transmitted by any other form of communication to Full Members seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  • “No other business except those stated in the final agenda shall be transacted”.

We look forward to seeing everyone, Insha’Allah.

With our best regards,

MIA Board of Directors