FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Manitoba Muslims React to Attacks on the Nation’s Capital (Winnipeg – October 23, 2014) The Manitoba Islamic Association, the oldest and largest Muslim community [...]
الـحـمـد لله و الـصّـلاة و الـسّـلام عـلـى سـيّـدنـا مـحـمّـد رسـولالله و عـلـى آلـه و صـحـبـه و مـن والاه Eid al-fitr 1430H/ 2009 Eid al-fitr is on Sunday, September 20, 2009. (Click here for [...]
Based on the moon sighting and astronomical calculations, Eid al-Fitr 1429 will be on Wednesday October 1st, 2008. The astronomical calculations determined that the new astronomical moon, [...]
In consultation with Imam Shaikh Hosni Azzabi, The Manitoba Islamic Association is pleased to announce that the first day of Ramadan 1429 H will begin on September 1st, 2008. Please download the [...]