Dear MIA Members,

Assalamu Alaikum,

Pursuant to Part II, Section 1, of the Manitoba Islamic Association (MIA) By-Laws, the Annual MIA General Body Meeting (AGM) for 2022 was originally called for Sunday November 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Grand Mosque gym. Quorum was not established 1 hour after the AGM’s scheduled time.

The meeting has been rescheduled for November 20, 2022 at 5 pm. Those present at 5 pm will constitute quorum.

Meeting Agenda

  • Recitation of Quran
  • Confirmation of Quorum
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Appointment of the steering committee for the Election of the Election and Compliance Commission
  • Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
  • Report of the Board of Directors
  • Financial Report
  • Consideration of the Auditor’s Report
  • Proposed Annual Budget
  • Committee Presentation: MIA Education Committee
  • Report of the MIA School Committee
  • Report of the MIA Wakf Foundation
  • Membership fee.
  • Business arising out of the minutes
  • Report of the MIA Wakf Foundation
  • Capital Projects
    • Community Centre Expansion
  • Resolutions
  • Report of the Election and Compliance Commission
  • Election of the Election and Compliance Commission (one position, 3 year term).

We encourage all MIA members to attend.

The nominations process for the MIA Board of Directors General Elections closed by the end of Wednesday, October 26th, 2022.

All nomination forms were reviewed by the Election and Compliance Commission (ECC), as per MIA Constitution – Article VI, Section 3 and associated By-Laws and Procedures. The ECC have received a total of six (6) nomination forms to cover the vacant board positions:

Nominees for three-year term positions:

Positions Vacant Candidate(s)
3 3
  1. Br. Muaaz Jutt
  2. Sr. Ruheen Aziz
  3. Sr. Delvinder Kaur

All the candidates listed above have satisfied the eligibility criteria. Since none of the above positions were contested, the ECC declares that the candidates listed above are elected to the Board of Directors by acclamation. The 3-year terms start January 1st, 2023. As a result, no voting will be held for these positions this year.

Nominees for two-year term positions:

Positions Vacant Candidate(s)
1 1
  1. Sr. Tasneem Vali

The candidate satisfied the eligibility criteria. Since the position was not contested, the ECC declares that the candidate listed above is elected to the Board of Directors by acclamation. The 2-year terms start January 1st, 2023. As a result, no voting will be held for this position this year.

Nominees for one-year term positions:

Positions Vacant Candidate(s)
1 2
  1. Br. Ammar Almiski
  2. Br. Salman Idris

All the candidates listed above have satisfied the eligibility criteria. Since there are two contestants, the election will be held for this position.

The Election and Compliance Commission (ECC) will be fully in charge of the election process. Here are some important details:

  • The eligible candidates cannot withdraw from the elections after November 4th, 2022.
  • On Saturday, November 12th, 2022 voting will take place at the Grand Mosque Gym between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Volunteers will be available to facilitate voting.
  • To vote in this election, a person has to be a full MIA member in good standing as of August 1st, 2022 (MIA By-Law, Part II, Section 1.12).
  • On the voting day, the candidates or their representatives will be allowed to witness the entire voting process and the ballots counting. However, it will not be allowed to campaign, influence the decision of the voters, or communicate with anyone in the voting zone. The voting zone will be defined by ECC at that day.
  • The results of the Board of Directors elections will be announced on the same day of the elections and as soon as the ballots are counted. The elected Board of Directors position will be in charge immediately upon announcement.

The ECC congratulates the new members of the Board of Directors for stepping forward to serve our community. The ECC also invites all MIA members to support and continue working along with the Board of Directors for a better and stronger MIA. May Allah (SWT) bless our community.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Election and Compliance Commission at

Best Regards,

Dr. Mohamed Mady, Spokesperson
Abdul Aziz Mian, Member
Farhan Liaquat, Member
Election and Compliance Commission (ECC)