Dear MIA Members,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah.

The nominations period for the MIA Board of Directors general elections closed on Wednesday, November 10th, 2021.

All nomination forms were reviewed by the Election and Compliance Commission (ECC), as per MIA Constitution – Article VI, Section 3 and associated bylaws and procedures.  The ECC received a total of three nomination covering the vacant board positions for 3-year terms:

  1. Idris Elbakri
  2. Muhammad Faraz Khan
  3. Rachel Wiebe Skouta

All the candidates satisfied the eligibility criteria. Since none of the positions were contested, the ECC declares that all the candidates listed above are elected to the Board of Directors by acclamation. Their 3-year terms start January 1st, 2022.  As a result, no voting will be held this year.

The remaining vacant board position (one position for the 2 years remaining in a 3-year term vacated by resignation) remains vacant and maybe filled by appointment as per MIA By-Laws; Part III – Section 5.

The ECC congratulates the new members of the Board of Directors for stepping forward to serve our community. The ECC also invites all MIA members to support and continue working along with the Board of Directors for a better and stronger MIA. May Allah (SWT) bless our community.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Election and Compliance Commission at

Best Regards,

Dr. Mohamed Mady, Spokesperson
Abdul Aziz Mian, Member
Farhan Liaquat, Member
Election and Compliance Commission (ECC)