[Oct 1] MIA EC Update

[Oct 2nd] Hajj Seminar

When: Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012
Time: 7:15 PM (After Maghrib)
Where: Winnipeg Grand Mosque (2445 Waverely)

Topics covered will include: 

•The fiqh rules of Hajj 

•Spiritual dimension of Hajj

•Tips on how make your hajj easy.

•How to remain healthy during hajj.

The seminar is open to all.

Contact Info: If you are planning to go for Hajj, please e-mail us in advance: Osaed.khan@miaonline.org


[Oct 21st] Open House to People of Other Faith at the Waverley Mosque

When: Sunday, October 21st, 2012
Where: Winnipeg Grand Mosque (2445 Waverely)

On Sunday October 21, 2012  a full day open house will be organized for the larger public to visit the mosque, to learn about Islam and about prophet Mohamed (PUH). Free literature on Islam and Prophet Mohamed will be made available. Refreshments will also be served. 

An invitation will be sent to mosque neighbors, faith groups, politicians, media and the public at large. A special committee along with the MIA Events Committee is working on this undertaking. 

This will be a major event, volunteers and sponsors are needed. If you would like to help by volunteering your time, or financially sponsoring the purchase of copies of the Quran, literature on Islam or refreshments or advertising the event, please contact Osaed Khan, MIA Secretary & Director of Community Events.  More details will follow soon.

Contact Info: osaed.khan@miaonline.org


[Nov 10th] Eid Dinner

When: Saturday, November 10th, 2012

Eid Dinner is planned for Saturday November 10th.  More details will follow soon.


Teachers of Quran needed

The MIA Sunday Quran class at Waverly mosque has received an over whelming response from students. Currently, we have 7 volunteer Quran teachers, but given the great demand, we need more teachers. We kindly ask all of those who are capable to teach, to volunteer 2 hours of their time (12:00 – 2:00 PM) every Sunday.

Contact Info: To volunteer please contact Aziz Mian 1st MIA VP & Director of Community Services: aziz.mian@miaonline.org.


Waverley Mosque New Additions

1) Fitness room
Work is underway in creating a fitness room at the empty space in the northern gate of the Waverly mosque. Most of the exercise equipments needed have been received and the place should be ready soon. Details will follow.

2) Storage trailer
A large trailer has been stationed in the parking area of Waverly mosque. The trailer was purchased to be used as a storage place. We are running out of storage space at the mosque, as well some machinery, by regulation, need to be stored outside of the building. For any inquiry please contact MIA EC Member and Director of facilities.

Contact Info: aladin.kasem@miaonline.org
