[Oct 26th] Eid Al-Adha announcement

When: Friday, October 26th, 2012

The Hajj authorities have confirmed the beginning of the month of Zulhijjah to be on Wednesday, October the 17th. Accordingly, Eid Al-Adha will be on Friday October the 26th and the day of A’rafa on Thursday October the 25th. Eid prayers will be held at the Winnipeg Convention Center, details will follow soon.

The Prophet, may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him said: “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days.” We encourage you all to take advantage of these 10 days of Zulhijja by repenting to Allah and increasing your devotions and good deeds.

The MIA EC and WCM Board congratulate you all and wish you and your loved one happy and righteousness Eid.

For more information, please contact: office@miaonline.org or call 256-1347