“Zakah is for the poor and for the needy, and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together, and for freeing captives, and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the traveler – an obligation by Allah . And Allah is Knowing and Wise.”
– Surah Al Tawbah, verse 60.

Our new Takaful and Funeral Director is Muhammad Yusuf.

His Takaful office hours will be:
Tuesday & Wednesday 9 am – 2 pm
Friday 11 am – 5 pm

MIA collects Zakat and Fitra; one method of distributing those funds is to provide short-term, direct financial assistance to persons in need. This is in keeping with MIA Constitution to alleviate poverty. Assistance is only available to people living in Manitoba.

If you need short-term financial assistance, please submit the application form along with all of the required documentation. If you need help with the application or have any questions, please call 204-256-1347 or email takaful@miaonline.org


  • The Applicant may apply for up to three different categories of need for up to three months in a calendar year, depending on eligibility
  • Needs are assessed using a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) approved fair market assessment and the amount awarded cannot exceed the monthly amount allowed through that approved measurement
  • All funds are provided directly to the Applicant and qualify as income according to the CRA, so the funds need to be declared as income when filing Income Tax
Type of NeedMaximum Funding Limit Per Application
TransportationLimited to One Monthly Bus Pass Amount
OtherMust qualify as a basic need and not exceed amount allowed by CRA measurement

Not included as basic necessities:

  • Debt (Including credit cards, loans, missed payments, etc.)
  • School Costs
  • National or International Travel
  • Large Expenses (As limits are determined by CRA Guidelines)

Required Accompanying Documents (can be uploaded during application):

  • Copy of a Photo ID
  • Copy of Manitoba Health Card
  • Bank Statement (last 3 months)
  • Last 2 months paystubs (if employed)
  • Copy of Rental/Lease Agreement, if applicable
  • Information on other sources of income (May include income from household earners)
  • Documented proof of need for special/extraordinary circumstance (ex. Disability/Medical Report), if applicable
  • Letter of Explanation (Must write in detail, explaining current situation, financial need, and reason(s) for seeking assistance)
  • At least 2 References from community members, organizations or professionals familiar with the Applicant’s situation

Please do not send original documents as they will not be returned.