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Taraweeh Program for Kids
MIA is offering a free program for kids during Taraweeh prayers. This program is designed to take care of children 3 - 8 years old while you are praying Taraweeh at Waverley Grand Mosque. To ensure the smooth running of the program, we kindly request that you register your child and sign the waiver link. This will help us to prepare and create a safe and comfortable environment for your child. Please note that the program will be held every evening during Taraweeh prayers Waverley Grand Mosque inshaaAllah.
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How many children are you registering?
1st Child's Name
1st Child's Age
2nd Child's Name
2nd Child's Age
3rd Child's Name
3rd Child's Age
4th Child's Name
4th Child's Age
Name of parent or guardian
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal Code
In case of emergency (must list two people, do not list parents)
Name 2
Relationship 2
Phone 2
Child’s Physician
Manitoba Health Card Number
Does your child have any allergies or health condition that the program should be made aware of?
If yes, please describe allergies or health conditions
I consent to the below
I hereby release the MIA Educational Program from all claims for damages arising from any accident or injury which is caused by or arises from participation of the applicant(s) named herein, during any program or any facility where the program is held.
I understand that if my child shows any disrespect to the teacher, damage the Mosque’s property or does not cooperate with the teacher, the Administration has the right to dismiss my child.
I allow MIA Educational Program to use my child’s photos, videos and or other media for program related purposes. Examples include but not limited to MIA website, promotional displays, newsletter(s), and other.
Clear Signature
I have read and understood all the above points.
Ramadan Charity Chest
Volunteer Signup Form